Dot Jot Brainstorming: #3
Essential Question: How does fangs, senses, sexual dimorphism and signals affect the mating & courtship of tarantulas?
Foundation Question: What are the main contents of courtship in tarantulas?
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(In own words; one line long)
(Author’s Last Name or “Full Article Title”)
Main Idea 1: Mating Hooks & Fangs
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Main Idea 2: Males & Females & Sexual Dimorphism
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Main Idea 3: Signals - During Courtship/Mating
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(“Tarantula Reproduction”).
DIRECT QUOTE: “...solitary animals, meaning they live and feed on their own, and they are generally spread out
over a wide area, making an available female relatively scarce. The male spider has the daunting task of tracking down a sexually mature, receptive female in the area before other males can get there” (Harris, Tom). | |
PRIMARY SOURCE: Title: “Newborn spiderlings of curly hair tarantula Brachypelma ablbopilosa.” Shows a picture
of baby tarantulas that are 3-5 weeks old. Shows description on source where it was found. |
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