
Showing posts from January, 2019

Essay on Tarantulas Blog Update

I will be posting for a while on the build up of information surrounding my essay. The last time I edited the essay was around 3 months ago and I've been wanting to share it to inform more about tarantulas to the public. There's plenty of pages already so I think the wait would be worth it. I will post the essay onto the blog in around a month but in the meantime, I'll post some dot jot notes that're relevant to the topics in the essay along with other usual posts. These dot jot notes that you will be seeing are notes that I made when I was still new on this subject but overall, it is still inspiring to see how much I've learned throughout my years of research and it inspires me even more to do more edits on the essay!

Tarantula Fun Fact #2: Hibernation

Tarantulas and every kind of spider live everywhere around the globe except for Alaska because of low food resources and the obvious extreme drop in temperature. Spiders can't warm their own body temperature and that they have limitations since they haven't evolved to that level like us mammals. While tarantulas move faster in warmer areas like rainforests, those who live in average climates where it gets drastically warm and cold throughout the year, are spiders that hibernate. Spiders that burrow (like most tarantulas) secures itself from the from the winter by the use of their webbing and dirt substance covering the burrow. The limit of a tarantula would be around 10-20 degrees Celsius but the type of tarantula does vary. The tarantula's speed will slow once it is around 35 degrees Celsius and below.

Oh, Halloween Tarantula Propaganda!

Ok I know it's not even close to Halloween but every time there's always at least one house with webs in my neighborhood and without knowing it, they're spreading spider propaganda! (Propaganda is used as comic relief). No wonder why many people are afraid of spiders, they're easily afraid of them by the media and decor because brands feed off of the creepy-like traits of a spider like how silent they walk, how they eat or how they stare deep inside a human being with their 8 eyes, etc. These decorations like fake spider webs or spiders is a cheap way to decorate your home and that's the main reason why it's seen in almost every neighborhood! Even my family uses fake webs all over our trees to look spooky but getting more durable decorations are more worth it because it'll last more than 2 years other than those webs that can only be used once or twice because they get too dirty fast. Not only that but if it's so popular, your house wouldn't stand o...

5 Tarantula Key Terms

I may or may not update this to make more key terms in the near future.

Myth: Tarantula-Frog Relationship

There's a popular myth of how tarantulas can have pet frogs going all over different websites like Twitter and many google images of this "evidence." I can see why people would think they're in a pet-owner relationship because if how frogs go in and out of the  tarantulas burrow whenever they want and how frogs could possibly protect the spider's young by killing insects like ants from eating the egg sacs but this is not the case.  This one picture gets overused for the evidence of how they have a relationship. Spiders and amphibians are dumb. Their dumb-er than rats and I think humans need to be reminded on how different animals can be compared to humans. They're not like us human primates, they have not developed compassion as we did. Not saying they don't have compassion but that humans and monkeys have started to have the need for pets since some monkeys used pets like wild dogs to protect them at night. Spiders certainly has not developed t...

Tarantula Fun Fact #1: Web Size

Spider webs are one of the smallest things a human can perceive with the naked eye of average eyesight. The human's limit of sight are 0.1 millimeters (100 micrometers) while the smallest web width is around 0.3 millimeters (webs range to around 0.3-0.8 millimeters width). But typically, tarantulas have thicker webbing than other spiders because of how the webs are extremely similar to cobwebs when spread about the floor. Now, I'm not particularly saying that spider webs are the 2nd smallest things we can see and that there are sizes around the egg cell like dust particles that can be seen in the sunlight or particularly small crumbs. Fun-fact inside a fun-fact: The upmost tiniest thing a human can see is a human female egg (female eggs are the biggest cell in the human body) and that sperm cells are the smallest cells. 

Why I Chose Tarantulas for my Blog

This topic wasn't hard at all to decide for my blog, I've been interested in this for a few years by now and that my interest will keep me loyal and interested through these years. I knew right off the bat that I was going to choose this topic and I was planning on making a blog about it for awhile. The research on this topic seems that I'll get more into my topic as I do my research  and that my specific topics I'll be talking about will make things more interesting like: food webs, anatomy, evolution, fun facts, debunking myths, and random posts related to tarantulas to spice it up. I hope all of you will be interested in at least a few of these topics as I post my life away.

Old Vs. New Tarantulas

If you've heard the terms New World tarantulas or Old World tarantulas, you might be wondering what their differences are and how it matters when getting a pet tarantula especially for beginners. New World tarantulas: These docile animals are more of an evolutionized strategic approach because they don't have to get too close in order to defend themselves. They have urticating hairs located on the abdomen that can be kicked off from the 2 hind legs so the threat would get agitated in sensitive areas like the eyes, mouth, naval and even skin that can turn into rashes. This is why when you handle a new world, you should always wash your hands afterwards and that you should always handle a tarantula who is more likely to be calm (like a Chilean Rose).If these hairs get deeper and deeper into your body, go to the hospital to get them removed so they wouldn't damage anything else especially when it comes to exposed sensitive areas like the eyes. Be aware that some species can ...

A Continuation of my Progress: Tarantulas

Hello, my name is Anna! Ever since I had a class called "Grad Project" where each student researches a topic of their choosing, I chose tarantulas (as you can see) and as I was researching more and more about this topic, I grew more and more interested in it. They were assignments in class and all but to me, they weren't just assignments and now that the class is over, I'm hoping to keep going strong in this interest. I may or may not have more blogs other than this one even and if I do, it might be about another animal that fascinates me like the birds of paradise in New Guinea but I slightly doubt it since I'd be fully invested in this blog. Here are topics I might discuss in the future: My personal life on tarantulas  I don't have a pet tarantula  yet  but I've been thinking about it for over a year and will get one somewhere in the future Other personal matters that only relate to tarantulas like what a canned tarantula tastes like! Thi...